Av. Mehmet Yaşar KOÇAK

attorney, co-founder

Av. Esma Nur KILIÇ

attorney, senior partner


attorney, senior partner

Stajyer Av. Murat Özdemir

attorney, senior partner

Müvekkil yorumları

en iyi hizmet için birlikte çalışıyoruz

Working with clients, digital products and web design projects also needs a back up from attorneys. A project might get stolen, a copycat might use your ideas for their own purposes, and the clients might misunderstand privacy policy etc. To avoid these situations, I am working with this law firm and I’m extremely satisfied with their service! Thank you for the closed the cases!

Brian Rogers ,

Web Developer

Being a writer makes you deal with issues like copyright, publishing contracts, terms of finishing a book etc. I always need a professional lawyer to help with minor or major details in a case. Thank you so much for always having my back when I need your legal advice – you’re the best and you know it! I will definitely recommend your services to my colleagues and friends.

Jessica Lee ,


When it comes to legal issues I prefer dealing with people I can trust 100%. Your law firm has proved its professionalism yet again, and I am beyond happy with the outcome of the case. Thank you for the fast resolution – I needed to save my business and keep it running smoothly for the customers, and you, guys, helped a lot in terms of time and money. I appreciate it greatly!

John Summers ,

Business Owner

haberler & davalar

ilginizi çekebilir


Türk Hukukunda; evli çiftlerin Türk medeni Kanunda yazan bazı gerekçlerle içinde bulundukları evlilik birliğinin sürmesinde bir yarar görmedikleri takdirde, kendi aralarında nafaka, mal paylaşımı, çocuğun velayeti gibi hususlarda anlaşarak, hür iradeleri ile evlilik ilişkilerine son vermeleri Anlaşmalı boşanmanın konusunu oluşturur.TMKMD.163

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Money Laundering

Working as a lawyer involves the practical application of abstract legal theories and knowledge to solve specific individualized problems, or to advance the interests of those who hire lawyers to perform legal services. The role of the lawyer varies greatly.

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Driving While On the Phone

Sometimes we forget certain rules, but sometimes life circumstances force us to break them. Talking on the phone while driving is a serious violation, but we know exactly how to investigate and make sure that the judge makes the fair decision for your case.

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İletişim Bilgilerimiz
Oğuzlar Mahallesi Çetin Emeç Bulvarı No:60/8 Çankaya-ANKARA
P.tesi-Cuma: 9.00 - 19.00
Yol Tarifi Al
İletişim Bilgilerimiz
Oğuzlar Mahallesi Çetin Emeç Bulvarı No:60/8 Çankaya-ANKARA
P.tesi-Cuma: 8.00 - 19.00

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